Tuesday, March 5, 2013


You are leading a group and you ask a question - not rhetorical - and you are met with what feels like four hours of silence.  What do you do?

If you are like most facilitators you fill the silence with the answer for which you are looking or else you say something else.

When you do that you are training those with whom you are interacting not to think about what you are saying.  You are telling them that it is OK to check out, that you are going to do all of the work for them.  Bad idea.

Two things.

The silence is not as long as you think it is.  Wait it out.  Train those listening that you seriously want their thoughts.

If there is not a pause.  You are asking questions that are too easy.  You should be challenging those with whom you are interacting.  If you ask a question that can be quickly answered without thought you are not serving them well.  You want them to think.  You want them to struggle with the concept and to engage their mind before they open their mouth.

Do not speak.

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